Web Spam Case Study: “How Long Does it Really Take To Break-In The Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Paste”


In our on going investigative report series on spam and astroturfing I have compiled a number of graphic examples to further illustrate and examine how astroturfing and spam go hand in hand.

Please keep in mind that some of these are six months old and date back to December 2014.

In this instance we will focus on the use of the keywords, “How Long Does It Take To Really Break-in The Arctic Silver.” or AS5

What are the odds of seemingly various Internet users writing the exact same sentence in multiple locations?

In the graphic below is an example of how people astroturf forums and other websites (or a number of them actually) so that you can get a feel for how it reads and what it looks like.

The topic being: Detailed Study On AS5 Break-In Time; It Only Takes A Few Hours

eight sites

Perhaps it was a slow news day as on of these sites decided to turn it into a full article titled: “How Long Does It Really Take To Break-IN The Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Paste” or AS5


Conducting an exact article name search on this title returns 1.5 Million results

How-Long-Does-It Really-Take-To Break-In -the-Arctic-Silver-5 Thermal-Paste-Spam-Sample

As you can see by the example graphic below by removing the word “the” search engine results render a “no results found” outcome

Arctic_silver_Astroturfing_Plus_ Spam_Combo_Example 2

Last but not least, could this be a clever yet dubious technique to “bump” up the search results for the AS5 product to page one?

Arctic_silver_Astroturfing_Plus_ Spam_Combo_Example 3

Updated 08/26/2015


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